Detect nutrient deficiencies before signs of stress appear

Laboratory plant tissue testing provides a snapshot of a plant’s nutrient status at the time of sample collection. AgSource can analyze a variety of plant tissue, from fruits and vegetables, to row crops to specialty plants.

Looking to fine-tune your fertilizer program throughout the growing season? We recommend using our summary plant tissue report which allows you to track and view past sample results of your crop.

Gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between fertility and plants with plant tissue testing

Track Nutrient Status

Track historical plant tissue results on a field or crop throughout the year

Fine-Tune Fertility Programs

Use tissue testing in conjunction with soil testing for a complete snapshot of nutrient status

Identify Problems

Intervene to diagnose and treat distressed plants


AgSource Laboratories follows strict and rigorous testing standards

Complete Leaf Analysis – Results include: Total Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Manganese, Boron, Iron, Aluminum and Sodium

Complete Petiole Analysis – Results include: Total Nitrogen, Phosphorus,  Phosphate-Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Manganese, Boron, Iron, Aluminum and Sodium

Stalk Nitrate Testing – This end-of-season stalk test was developed to evaluate how well nitrogen fertilizer was utilized by the corn plant and allows the producer to distinguish between over-fertilization and fertilizing to maximize profits.

Cover Crop Biomass Analysis – Cover crops have the ability to take up nutrients, hold them and recycle them back into the soil for use by your next crop. Our Biomass Analysis provides a measurement of N and other key nutrients taken up by the cover crop and indicates how readily those nutrients will become available in the soil for the next crop. A measure of the C:N ratio is used to estimate this rate of decomposition.

If the cover crops are used for forage, gain a better understanding of the nutrients you’ll need to replenish for your next crop with this test.

Utilize AgSource’s Cover Crop Biomass Analysis prior to terminating your cover crop (springtime or before planting your next crop). For sampling instructions, click here, or contact your local AgSource laboratory location for more information.

Specialized testing available upon request

Plant Tissue Testing Companion Analysis

Soil Testing

With over 60 years of soil testing experience, reach out to one of our soil experts for more information on our test packages and services.

VAS AGON LAB Ellsworth_ IA-3948