Ready to increase per acre profit?

It all starts with healthy soil.

Monitoring and tracking soil health helps guide management practices that can:

  • Improve nutrient use and efficiency
  • Increase water retention
  • Support more resilient crops
  • Reduce input costs

Ready to start improving soil health? Let our experts help.

Explore AgSource’s soil health testing options

All soil health samples are analyzed for the following:
Soil pH, Buffer pH, Excess Carbonate, Soluble Salt, Organic Matter, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, Nitrate, Sulfur, Zinc, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Boron, Calculated CEC and % of Base Saturation
Packages below include the above analyses:
  • Basic Package – includes Soil Health Score, CO2 Respiration and C:N Ratio (Cost: $45)
  • Routine Package – includes Basic Package and Water Soluble Analysis: Carbon, Total Nitrogen, Nitrate-N, Ammoniacal-N, Orthophosphate-P and Water Saturation % (Cost: $55)
  • Complete Package – includes Routine Package and Haney H3A Extraction: Orthophosphate-P, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Iron and Aluminum (Cost: $65)
Additional Analyses:
  • CO2 Respiration Only (Cost: $25)
  • Complete Bulk Density (Cost: $8)
*Pricing subject to change – call your local AgSource Laboratories location for special volume pricing

Take your soil health knowledge to the next level

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