Soilless Media Testing
Optimize plant production by analyzing your growing media
Growing media testing is the first step to supporting healthy plant growth. AgSource’s complete media analysis makes it easy to identify concerns in your growing mixture or verify it’s ready for use in your greenhouse or nursery.
Use compost? AgSource can analyze compost maturity as an add-test to standard growing media analysis.
- Complete – media pH, soluble salts, nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulfur (S), sodium (NA), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), boron (B), chloride (Cl), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), molybdenum (Mo), aluminum (Al), moisture % and fertilizer values
- Complete + Compost Maturity – all above analyses plus total carbon %, total nitrogen %, C/N ratio, organic matter, ash % and respiration %
Turnaround time for media analysis is within two to three working days. Please note, respiration can add up to an additional three days to turnaround time.
AgSource can provide a variety of fertilizer recommendations based on your crop type which can be selected on the media analysis sample submission form.
Sample media every two to four weeks during crop production at the same time interval after feeding or watering.
Send 1 ½ – 2 cups of media in an AgSource sampling bag, or in a plastic bag if you do not have enough sample bags. Clearly identify and assign each sample with a unique “Sample ID” code.
Specific guidelines for sampling based on your irrigation/fertilization method are listed below:
- For containerized crops, collect a composite sample from 8 or more containers, consisting of core samples or pie-shaped wedges collected from the root zone.
- For raised or ground beds, collect a composite sample from 8 or more points in the area to be tested, consisting of core samples through the root zone.
- For unused media, first fill pot(s) with media, water in thoroughly, and wait 1 to 3 days before sampling.
Attempting to remove fertilizer prills may result in crushed fertilizer prills, which may affect your test results.
Soilless Media Testing Companion Analysis
Plant Tissue Testing
Looking to fine-tune your fertilizer program throughout the growing season? We recommend using our summary plant tissue report which allows you to track and view past sample results of your crop